Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,
Varadey Kaamarupinee!
Vidhyarambham Karishyami,
Sidhir bhavathu mey sada !
Saraswati Puja is a popular Hindu festival dedicated to the goddess of learning Saraswati, who is the deity of knowledge, art and music.
She is generally seated on a white lotus, wearing a white silk sari and holding a book in her lower left hand.
The eyes of the goddess are full of compassion. Her four hands denote four facets of human personality namely
mind, intellect, alertness and ego
She is generally seated on a white lotus, wearing a white silk sari and holding a book in her lower left hand.
The eyes of the goddess are full of compassion. Her four hands denote four facets of human personality namely
mind, intellect, alertness and ego